g-docweb-display Portlet

Website Rules

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Website Rules

How This Site Works

Access and search functions have been made both simpler and more powerful in this new version of our website.

Two header buttons (Rights & Prevention and Duties & Responsibilities) allow accessing two different areas where the main safeguards in the Privacy Code and the requirements to be met in protecting personal data are described, respectively, in a concise and user-friendly manner. The texts in these two sections include several links to facilitate users´ navigation and suggest customized paths to access the relevant contents.

The search engine relies on an innovative semantic approach.
To search any item, you may enter a keyword (e.g. "income") in the search bar displayed on all pages.
The results can be "refined" via 3 different variables used for categorizing all the items posted on the website, that is:

1. Type of document: i.e. press release, decision by the DPA, etc.;
2. Subject, i.e. what the document deals with: employment, health care, information notices, justice, etc.;
3. Date (or time range), i.e. when the document was created.

Additionally, the number of retrieved documents is shown by type and subject for each search. For instance, searching for "income" you will find from the menu bar on the right-hand side of the page that there are 10 "opinions", 2 "press releases", 3 "Newsletters", etc. containing this keyword, whilst the keyword "income" is contained in 7 documents categorized by subject under "taxation", 2 categorized under "health care", 1 under "justice", and so on.

You may also search starting from the categories mentioned above. For instance, if you leave the search bar blank, you may ask the search engine to retrieve only documents categorized by type as "opinions" or "press releases", or else all the documents dealing with "journalism" or "consent", or all the documents available in the time range you specify.

Of course, the three variables (type, subject, date) can be combined by selecting two or more of them at the same time. Thus, you may search for all the opinions on journalism issued between 2005 and 2012.

The refining criteria you selected are shown on the top left side of the screen – which keyword you entered in the search bar, document type, subject, time range, and total number of documents meeting your search criteria.

Finally, documents may be searched via their unique IDs by selecting "docweb".


All the pages on this website are XHTML 1.0 Strict-validated using CSS style sheets in pursuance of the usability and accessibility standards set forth in W3C-approved directives as taken up in the 2004 Stanca Act.

A text-only version is also available.

The main sections of the website can be browsed by means of keyboard access keys, that is without using a mouse or other input devices.

Compliance with Standards

This site was designed in line with the main usability and accessibility standards.

All pages were validated individually against XHTML 1.0 Strict.

AA (where possible, AAA) accessibility was aimed at in accordance with the priorities set in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines by the W3C.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Menus and links can be accessed via keyboard shortcuts through the following key combinations. Please remember to press "ALT" + the given letter (for Apple Users: press the CMD (Apple) key + letter).

Keyboard shortcuts to the Home Page and all site pages are as follows:

H: Home (back to the Home Page)
A: The Italian DPA
L: Activities
P: Decisions and Legislation
S: Press and Communication
T: Administrative Transparency
E: English Version

Navigation Help

A print key is available along with a specific style sheet; PDF-formatting of pages is enabled via an ad-hoc key (you may want to use Adobe Acrobat Reader for this purpose).

Page links from the site footer include a "breadcrumbs menu" to help users locate their position in the site and easily navigate its contents.

Thanks to style sheets and the text-only version, you may access site contents under all configurations and via all browsers – including text browsers, virtual browsers, visual browsers with reduced functionalities (if images, CSS and/or javascripts are disabled), and voice browsers.


All images are described via the ALT attribute. The value of the ALT attribute is nil in decorative images.

